Bewick's Footsteps
24 tunes based on engraving by Thomas Bewick
(PDF download only)
Each of the 24 tunes is linked to an engraving by Thomas Bewick and his school.
All are playable on the standard 7 keyed chanter.
Each of the 24 tunes with the engraving printed above, A4 portrait
Also each of the 24 tunes in landscape format
Plus nine of the tunes set as duets
Piano accompaniments in two sets, one for accompanying Northumbrian Pipes and one for concert pitch instruments, eg violin or flute.
All of this delivered as an email attachment - £6.50
Available on request - pdfs of all of the engravings used in the book - in venues where a screen is available they would make an excellent visual accompaniment to the tunes.
Sample pages:
The tunes in Bewick's Footsteps range from the straightforward - like Cherryburn - to the more challenging - like Hens around the yard.

Here are a few more examples from the 24 tunes:-
The wonderful copper-plate engraving of Mr. Kinloch's Ball which graces the covers of the Northumbrian Pipers Society tune books inspired two melodies. The first tune,a reel, was about to be replaced by the second tune (below) but hearing this version by Canadian flautist Sarah Baughan persuaded me that it had earned its place as well.

I thought that the second tune was perhaps more suited to a circle dance. This lively version is played by The Northumbrian Ranters. At 01.47 Cherryburn can be heard as two tunes combine.
We're in A Minor for this wistful tune - the old sailor looking back on his life at sea.
In this late engraving a funeral procession is leaving a cottage similar to Cherryburn - Bewick's birthplace. Perhaps he was contemplating his own death.